David Jay,
I appreciate your insights.
As you point out, many Christians view salvation in terms of a judicial, legal model. It is my understanding that this Model does not hold for the Orthodox Churches.
Yes, while Jesus was a Jew, as were all of the writers, the theories that are bandied about today were drawn up while the gentile Christians marked an increasingly separate pathway from the Jews and incorporated their philosophies and philosophical modes of thinking.
We can, however, identify places in Paul's writings, himself a jew, where he incorporates contemporary Greek ideas.
It is so ironic that Christianity employs Jewish writings and worships a Jew.
Be proud that you are a Jew. My dad's father was named Abraham; his father was Mosche (Moses); and his father was Yitzhak (Isaac). I never knew any of them but going by their names and by the record of Grandfather Abraham's life, I am certain they were good religious Jews. On the other hand, my maternal grandparents were way out atheist, secular Jews.
The Nazis were not interested in such differences.
No, I have absolutely no experience with Judaism.